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What is Soul Purpose Discovery?

Engage in the revolutionary Purpose Discovery Process that gives you direct access to your unique calling

Maybe you're asking yourself "Is this all there is?" Or perhaps you've been working 40+ hour work weeks and feeling a nudge to dig deeper and develop your legacy, impact your community and leave your mark on the world. You feel a calling, however unformed and amorphous that calling may be, to become what you've always known you were deep down.


Soul Purpose Discovery™ is a process developed by Purpose Guides Institute (PGI) led by Jonathan Gustin, LMFT, Meditation Instructor and Founder of PGI. Some of the world's foremost spiritual teachers, psychologists and philosophers serve as adjunct faculty at PGI including Adyashanti, Parker Palmer PhD, Joanna Macy PhD, Bill Plotkin PhD, David Whyte, Stephen Jenkinson and others. 

What This Course Offers You

1. A Place to Call Your Own: Belonging

Each of us occupies a sacred niche in the ecosystem of life. Finding one's natural habitat and knowing that your life's work is in perfect harmony with what you are and what the world needs, creates the sense of "fit" that we all seek. Discovering that meeting place - where your deepest longing meets the world's deep need - is exactly what Soul Purpose Discovery is about. What Soul Purpose guiding has discovered through the work of studying great teachers of soul, is that we have inborn gifts and an innate sense of the task we feel drawn towards. Unfortunately, our societal norms guid us away from those natural proclivities, gifts and the attraction towards our destiny. 

2. A True North: Guiding Direction

There are two types of happiness according to Yale professor Dr. Laurie Santos. Happiness IN one's life (meaning the amount of happy emotions you feel on a daily basis) and happiness WITH one's life (the quality of contentment you feel respective to your life choices and whether they reflect your deepest values and long term aspirations). Soul Purpose guiding assists with the latter, happiness WITH one's life, so that when you pour yourself into your life, the form and shape of your life aligns with your deepest direction.

3. A Way to Help Change the World: Your Unique Contribution

When we align ourselves with our deepest soul-level mission or calling, we are inherently in service to the world. In today's climate there are more challenges than there are people to solve them. When you claim your life and become a force of nature, you make a contribution towards a greater vision of the world. Instead of helping in a generic sense, your helping is made more effective, longer term and more authentic because you end up giving what you ARE. After enough good thinking many people end up recognizing that it makes the most sense to help the world be a better place. The question we are left with is how. Soul Purpose Discovery is the method that illuminates the deeply personal answer to that question. This is HIGH IMPACT service. 

How the Course is Delivered

Soul Purpose Discovery is a 3 or 6 month 1-on-1 guiding program offered online or in-person (depending on your preferences and geographic location). Every student that is accepted into the program moves through 12 modules of course work designed to illuminate the facets of your soul-level calling. You can choose to complete the program in the standard 6 month timing (recommended) or, if you prefer to expedite your coursework you can choose a 3 month program timeline.

You will need to prepare to:

  • Spend 5-10 hours a week on reading, practicing guided meditations and writing reflections about the work

  • Meet with your guide, Emily, for guidance sessions (either weekly or twice monthly depending on the timing of your program, 3 or 6 months)

  • Dive deep into your personal, inner worlds

  • Spend time in nature. The program includes a mandatory Soul Quest where you spend at least 8 hours on the land (up to 4 days) where you will commune with wild nature alone. 

What Makes this Program Unique

What makes this course so unique is the unparalleled content and the comprehensive framework that guides the program. Unlike other spiritual coaching methods, this course applies psychological rigour and a philosophical framework that structures the process of discovery. There is ample opportunity to reach profound depth and specificity within the course, something that is often lacking in short term purpose discovery sessions. This is also why the guiding process is 6 months long (recommended course timing). Generally, humans need time and space to feel into the depths of their being and process the implications of those discoveries. 

Here are some highlights about why Purpose Guides Institute programming is exceptional:

  1. Unparalleled context: through the Integral framework and the Three - Worlds cosmology, students benefit from a rich tradition of philosophical thought. 

  2. Cosmic understanding: Emily's guiding is informed by the evolutionary perspective that the purpose of soul is to midwife more goodness, truth and beauty in the world. 

  3. Spiritual foundation: living an examined life can significantly improve our experience and value in what we learn through our lives. Using our awareness and focused attention to know all aspects of ourselves (our connection to Spirit, our ego-mind and our Soul) creates a spiritual groundedness that is so needed in personal discovery. 

  4. Unsurpassed methodology: Through her training with Purpose Guides Institute, Emily offers one of the most comprehensive purpose guiding self-discovery courses anywhere. This is accomplished through distilling and utilizing ALL the cutting edge modalities available today. Among them, students will use the Purpose Octagon , highlighting eight essential facets of one's individual soul.

Enroll Now

Here's how to get started with applying to be a client with Emily:

Email Emily for a FREE starter kit that includes detailed course content and the next steps for writing your application.

Share this page with a friend or group of friends and apply to be a Soul Purpose program small group. You can share the cost of the program with others! Small groups are defined as:

  • A couple (LBGTQ+ and non-monogamous relationships welcome)

  • 4 - 6 close friends (details and healthy boundaries will be outlined)


  • One time payment for either 3 or 6 month program (single participant) = $1,200 total (+ tax)

  • Three instalments for either 3 or 6 month program (single participant) = $400 x 3 payments, $1,200 total (+ tax)

  • Monthly payments for either 3 or 6 month program (single participant) = $220 CAD/ monthly (+ tax)

  • Small group pricing - one time payment (a couple) 3 or 6 month program = $2,000 CAD

  • Small group pricing - 4-6 close friends, 3 or 6 month program = $700 per person  

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to schedule a 20 minute Discovery call with me, Emily! 

Email: emilylsquirrell @

For more About Emily, read her bio here!

Listen to Purpose Guides Institute Faculty Adyashanti and Lead Teacher Jonathan Gustin discuss Soul Purpose Discovery™

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